How it works

Your Path to Effortless Application Deployment

Nodion simplifies the software deployment process, empowering you to focus more on writing code and less on managing servers and infrastructure. We've automated the steps between your Git repositories and the cloud, creating a streamlined, efficient process that's easy to use.

Step 1: Connect your Git Repository

The world of application development has found its home in Git. Recognizing this, we've designed Nodion with Git at its core. Whether you're using Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, or Gitea, you can easily connect your Git repository to Nodion. We've ensured broad compatibility for various development environments, making the connection process as simple as possible. By basing our platform on Git, we streamline the process between your repository and the cloud, getting you one step closer to deployment as soon as your code hits Git.

Step 2: Trigger a Deployment

With your repository connected, the next move is in your hands. You can choose to manually trigger a deployment whenever you're ready. This is as easy as clicking a button or making an API call. You have the control to decide when your code should move from your repository to our servers.

Step 3: Nodion Processes your Source Code

Once your Git repository is linked and a deployment triggered, Nodion works with your source code to prepare it for deployment. We identify whether a Dockerfile is present, guiding our next steps. This process involves creating an OCI image based on your source code.

Step 4: Build and Deploy with Docker or Cloud Native Buildpacks

For source code with a Dockerfile, Nodion utilizes it to build your code into an OCI (Open Container Initiative) image. This image is then automatically deployed to our fleet of servers.

If your source code doesn't include a Dockerfile, we employ Cloud Native Buildpacks. These buildpacks auto-detect your app's environment and dependencies, packaging it into an OCI image. This image, just like before, is seamlessly deployed to our servers.

Step 5: Sit Back and Enjoy

Once your application is up and running, the Nodion magic continues. Need to scale your application due to increased demand? It's easy with Nodion, and it's just one click away (or one API call, if you prefer). Our platform is designed with scalability in mind, allowing your application to grow as your needs do.

And because we believe that visibility is key to managing your applications effectively, we've built in automatic metrics and logs collection. These are readily accessible on our platform, providing valuable insights into your application's performance and status at a glance. This means you don't have to juggle multiple solutions to monitor and manage your applications - it's all included in the Nodion package.

With Nodion, you bypass the heavy lifting typically associated with deployment, scalability, and application monitoring. Your focus remains where it should be - on developing exceptional applications.

Embrace the Nodion Advantage

With Nodion, the power of cloud computing is truly at your fingertips. Experience the freedom of code-to-cloud deployment, leaving server management, orchestration, and infrastructure maintenance to us. It's time to focus on what you do best: developing outstanding applications.

Welcome to Nodion, where deployment is as simple as a Git push!