Building your application with Docker

Nodion supports Docker by building your images with a provided Dockerfile.

A lot of developers and teams prefer to build their apps with Docker to have reproducible builds and a streamlined experience. Nodion supports Docker and by default our platform is looking for a Dockerfile within the root directory of your source code. If there is one it will build your application using the Dockerfile, otherwise it will use Buildpacks. You don't need Docker to get started on Nodion, but if you are already working with Docker and have your Dockerfile ready-to-go you are able to utilize our Docker environment.

Detecting a Dockerfile

During deployment our platform prints out deployment logs that are useful to check if it found a Dockerfile and if it is deploying your application via Docker. Having a Dockerfile in your root tree always builds with Docker, expect if there is at least one buildpack in your application settings. If you would like to use Buildpacks you have to add buildpacks in the settings or simply remove or rename the Dockerfile.

Dockerfile Path

If you have a Dockerfile that is not called Dockerfile but has a different name or is located in some subfolder you can tell our platform the location by setting an environment variable called NODION_DOCKERFILE_PATH with the name and path to your Dockerfile. For example the value could be or api/Dockerfile.

Docker image instead of Dockerfile

We currently do not support pushing images to our registry directly.

Docker Compose

Nodion does not support Docker Compose.