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Deployment Overview

Learn more about how deployments work on Nodion

Nodion takes your source code and turns it into a runnable OCI-Image. This image will be deployed on our platform and allows us to easily handle things like scaling, collecting application logs or metrics. Simply connect your existing Git repositories to our platform and you are set. Your source code is basically the base and can include instructions on how our platform should be deploying your application.

Git Integration

Git Integrations are the recommended way to deploy your application. Simply connect your Git repository, select a branch and tell us when we should deploy which commit. Learn more about Git integrations.

Application Settings

Custom Domains

Every application will be created with a Nodion subdomain. For example yourapp.nodion.app. Additionally you are able to add up to 10 custom domains per application so that your application is available at a non-Nodion domain. Learn more about custom domains.

Environment Variables

Your application is not running in a single environment. It will run on your dev machine, maybe there is a staging environment and a production environment. Even though the source code itself is the same, you can add secure details about the environment. Learn more about environment variables.

Turning your source code into an OCI image

OCI images are a spec widely used in the DevOps era, we utilize it as a standard way of ingesting your application into our platform. You can either provide a Dockerfile and we will build it directly or you can provide nothing and we will use Cloud Native Buildpacks to build your application automagically.

Observing your Application

Your application image is ready and will get deployed. Now it's time for you to lean back, because Nodion is taking care of managing, monitoring, keeping everything online and optionally scaling your application.


Nodion supports two types of logs. Deploy Logs are used to tell you if the deployment was successfully, if not you are able to check what exactly went wrong. Additionally we handle application logs. Learn more about Logging.


Scaling your application can happen horizontally as well as vertically. Scaling vertically means changing the instance type your application is using, while horizontally scaling means the instance amount can be adjusted. Learn more about Scaling.


Our platform collects the most common metrics, namely cpu and memory usage of all instances. Those metrics are collected every 5 seconds and allow you to make decisions about how to run or scale your applications. Learn more about Metrics.