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We are constantly working on improving our platform. Our changelog shows the latest updates.

v2.1.0 Released on Aug 09, 2023


  • Application Presets. We've added application presets! Create applications based on presets (for example open source projects) with one click. This will allow us to introduce a "Deploy to Nodion" button in the next update.
  • Monitoring Observers. You are now able to monitor any https endpoint, our global monitoring system will send requests to check if everything is up and running. If not, we will notify you via E-Mail, Slack or Telegram.


  • Logs & Metrics. We've switched our log and metrics backend to ClickHouse. Which means all logs and metrics are now ingested into our ClickHouse clusters. This improves scaling capabilities and you should notice drastically improved loading times for both, logs and metrics.


  • Metrics Graphs. There was an issue with metrics graphs where the graph itself would sometimes be cramped together when refreshed.

v2.0.2 Released on Jul 06, 2023


  • Buildtime Env Vars. It's now possible to select if environment variables should be added at build time. By default all environment variables are set at runtime, this option simply allows for variables that have to be present in the image itself.
  • Storage Limit. Since application instances are ephemeral and data shouldn't be stored on the file system, we now have set a hard limit of 5GB per instance. To avoid issues please make sure that you are not hitting that limit.


  • Application Healthcheck. So far it was not possible to set a health check with a simple "/" – this is possible now. If your application does not have a dedicated health endpoint, this comes in handy to make a basic health check.

v2.0.1 Released on Jun 21, 2023


  • Custom Domain Notifications. Depending on the TTL the DNS propagation of newly added custom domains might take some time. Up until now it was only possible to trigger a check if a domains is verified by clicking the button within the application settings. We have now automated this step; our system checks every 15 minutes if the DNS record is set and redirected to our servers. If yes we will automatically issue a TLS certificate and add the domain to our LBs. You will receive email notifications along the way.
  • Env Variables can now be toggled. Up until now environment variables that were added to applications were always hidden. We have listened to feedback and it's now possible to toggle environment variables to show the current value within the UI.
  • Database password can now be toggled. Up until now the database password of newly created instances was only shown once. Easy to miss, so we also listened to feedback in that regard and made it togglable similar to environment variables.


  • SSH account deletion. There was an issue when deploying applications that running SSH accounts were not deleted as expected. We now delete all running SSH accounts of an application when the application gets deployed. This prevents having SSH accounts of old versions. There was no change to the auto-delete functionality; SSH accounts are still being automatically deleted after 1h.

v2.0.0 Released on Jun 18, 2023


  • Akamai Integration. We've rebuilt our platform to be based on the Akamai Connected Cloud. This will allow us to operate Nodion globally and offer advanced scaling capabilities.
  • Private Networking. Every Nodion project is now completely isolated from each other from a networking standpoing. This is possible due to the introduction of VXLANs.
  • Worker Scaling. It's now possible to scale workers independently from regular application instances. This allows for greater flexibility and saving in costs.
  • Public Databases Access. Optionally databases can now be reached via a public hostname. This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled alongside of accessing databases through the private network.
  • E-Mail Preferences. Setup E-Mail preferences; within the account settings you can now enable or disable if you want to receive info, marketing and/or incident emails.
  • Third DNS Server. We've added a third nameserver to our DNS service to enhance reliability. Nameservers are now located in Frankfurt, Ashburn and Singapore.
  • Heroku 22 Builder. The Heroku 22 Buildpack Builder is now available on our platform.


  • UI/UX improvements. We've made several UI/UX improvements which include refreshed visuals and the introduction of tooltips to explain several features.
  • Deployment speed. Due to enhanced caching mechanisms we were able to speed up deployments. There is more work to do in that regard and we will make sure deployment speeds are as fast as possible.
  • Deployment workflow. So far new deployments were blocked when a deployment was already running. This is no longer the case, all deployment requests are accepeted and queued.
  • Application Domains. Only one custom domain was shown in the application overview as well as within the deployment log. We are now showing all custom domains.


  • DNS Zone count. There was an issue displaying the DNS Zone count in the project list, which is fixed now.


  • Archive Upload. It's no longer possible to create applications and deployments by uploading archives. Everything is Git based now to streamline the user experience.