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Every API call has to be authenticated with an Authorization header. API keys are project-based, that means you can create new API keys from your project settings. Every API key is able to perform all API actions, this is why we recommend deleting old and unused API keys.

Create a new API key

Please navigate to "Projects", click on the project you'd like to create an API keys for and select the "Security" tab. From here you are able to add new API keys.

Perform your first request

To fetch all available regions you are able to use the API call as follows:

  curl "https://api.nodion.com/v1/regions" -H 'Authorization: Bearer CREATED_API_KEY'

Example Response:

    "regions": [
        "id": "428d037e-9ba6-4dab-92bd-8d816c523126",
        "name": "Frankfurt, DE",
        "slug": "fra"